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You’re Not ‘Too Sensitive’: On Taking Things Personally

You’ve heard it a time or ten, and it never feels good: “You’re too sensitive” or “You’re taking it too personally.” An outside voice becomes an inner voice when it’s repeated too often, especially by the same people, but that doesn’t mean that it represents truth. You aren’t too sensitive, so let’s talk about where this notion comes from- and how to stop its impact.

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3 Ways to Get out of your Mind and Back into your Body

Getting stuck in your thoughts, anxieties, or memories is frustrating, and you may feel powerless to take back control of your thoughts and recenter yourself. We’ve got three tips to help you release the whirlpool of your thoughts and get back into your body today.

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How Your Brain Understands Anxiety

Anxiety is a terrible experience that feels both overwhelming and exhausting to the mind and body. You might have wondered why your brain is acting like this, especially the times when you don't even know why you’re anxious. 

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