Creative Ideas For Increasing Your Physical Connection As A Couple


Intimacy is important. 

In its irrefutable simplicity, this single fact holds many truths and just as much possibility. Feeling close to your partner is part of creating an emotional bond that facilitates intimacy in every form. Still, it’s also something that can get lost in the monotony of daily life. Time isn’t your enemy though, not even when it leads to feeling a bit burnt out in how you can feel close to your partner. Indeed, time is a tool you can use to your advantage. 

When the longing for connection in your relationship has taken a turn toward the physical, we want to help you get creative with the way you ask for (and offer) that closeness.

Rituals For Physical Connection

If variety is the spice of life, then what is consistency? Creating a stable connection that can be relied on is the foundation of your relationship. That foundation is a space you can return to and find safety in, no matter the chaos going on in the world around you. Creating simple rituals that foster consistency between your partner and you are powerful tools in sharing closeness. 

Rituals for Touch 

Affectionate physical rituals can be a brief yet powerful addition to your everyday life. Creating a standard of behavior like holding hands while you walk to get the mail, kissing before you fall asleep, or watching something as you hold each other close are important moments for connection that need not lead to something more. 

Being active together is also a proxy for physical touch. Yoga, cardio, or even going on runs or walks together are valuable ways to check in to our own bodies and encourage one another. All of these things are moments that occur in our lives without the requirement for physical touch yet bring an intimacy to those moments. Feeling connected through contact outside of sexuality is a comfortable way to invite that intimacy in other ways.  

Rituals for Thought 


Outside of physical touch, rituals that focus on driving up connection or inspiring creativity are just as crucial in driving physical closeness. Consider writing one another notes or sending text messages where you share daydreams or desires. It doesn’t have to be complicated, a brief note of, “I love thinking about kissing you on the shoulder” or “I can’t wait to run my fingers over your skin.” Utilizing a series of phrases to cue a desire to connect or a journal you pass back and forth to share thoughts you have when you’re apart can be an appealing idea for some couples. 

Use rituals that take little time but offer lots of intimacy. Show your partner your enthusiasm for their physical presence and let them see the time you spend thinking about it without requiring lots of time to do so. Easy-to-repeat authentic moments of brevity will be the most successful.

Intention is key 

Just as your rituals must be intentional and tailored to the shape of your relationship and daily life, applying intention to the relationship as a whole can be profound in fostering touch and physical intimacy. Being purposeful with the simple things in moments when it’s least expected can be the most powerful. Use words that call to mind specific memories or moments in your relationship where you felt in sync physically. 

If words aren’t your medium of choice, offer intentional touch in the places on your partner’s body that feel like secret messages. Make time for romance in the way you use those messages. Touch them at the base of their spine, run your fingers over their jaw. Simple light touch can be deeply invigorating and intimate, so offer it freely in moments where more overt offers may be off-putting. Make the most of your knowledge of your partner to add an element of intimacy to the simplest of moments. 

Get naked 

Right, yes. While we all know that one’s pretty obvious, it can also be so much more than sex. Nudity as appreciation or acts of casual intimacy can help you to feel connected or close with your partner. While nudity may also bring up feelings of other intensities like insecurity or shame, visiting those spaces in the safety of your relationship can help to reinforce your connection. Feeling your partner offer you support in moments when you feel vulnerable and doing the same for them is powerfully intimate. Spending time together naked doing ordinary things or simply touching with no ulterior motive are powerful ways to connect physically in a way that invites the possibility of more without insisting on it. 

Feeling connected and intimately engaged with your partner is a critical part of breathing life into your relationship. Those moments where you feel aligned and excited for the possibility of their mere proximity may feel more difficult to reach in hectic stages of life or after the relationship has settled into a comfortable routine. If you’re comfortable, you can use shared nudity time to engage in mutual masturbation and communicate about what feels good or even what you’re thinking about when you’re turned on. 

You hold the power to shake those things up. Together with your partner, the possibilities are limitless. Reach out to us now, and together we can explore and celebrate all the ways in which you and your partner can create an intimate connection that feels good for you both. 


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